“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Russia mocks Trump (again)!

Russia mocks Trump (again). Saying Russia is strong, Trump is weak... If he wants peace talks he has to beg! That is bad news for the people of Russia, the Ukraine and well the World!

Directly after Trump won the election russian state media posted old nude photo of Melania Trump and posted memes showing Trump as Putins lap dog.

Since then for days now where is some bragging by Trump about how well he will do and how good he got along with Putin. If that was true wouldn't Russia and Putin react differently?

I am not the biggest Trump supporter, but I wish he does well for the American people and well for the people of the world. I just don'T seen it!

I remember how great his foreign policy was doing his first term. All the conflicts he wanted to end? Those are all still there! North Korea and Iran still working on nukes. BRICS is advancing, China gaining more influence, now even approaching Mexico!

All the signs are not locking to good sadly for peace talks. My biggest fear is that Trump will just surrender and call it a victory throwing the people of Ukraine that fought so hard and brave under the bus!

I hope that history proves me wrong!